Sunday, February 24, 2013

ALEISTER X - "WEST COAST TEES" (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) Featuring a Female Bodybuilder Flexing

It is heartening to see that a music video has been featured with a female bodybuilder! Much better is the fact the flexing female bodybuilder has been portrayed very positively. This is the first such video in 2013 that we have come across featuring a female bodybuilder.

She is not the kind we are habituated in seeing the regular heavyweight female bodybuilding competitions like the Olympia, but she does possess a cut-and-jacked body which has great potential to grow. There are a lot of music videos featuring real female bodybuilders, right from the early '80s. Probably, the first female bodybuilder to star in a music video was Rachel McLish. Many others like Teagan Clive, Nikki Fuller, Amber Deluca and many unknown or unidentifiable female bodybuilders from US, Germany and other nations have been featured till date. The 'Favorites' list found on Female Might Youtube channel has many music videos with female bodybuilders. Much appreciated if you subscribe to the Female Might Youtube page! We are planning to create a separate list on YouTube for music videos featuring FBBs.

Nevertheless, who is the female bodybuilder featured in this video? Any guesses. It is hard to identify from the video as we may not have come across!

And Female Might Team promises you to deliver content much more frequently now. The sporadic updates may still be sporadic, but you can expect a lot of interesting content from us, here on-wards. :-) Please keep exploring the interesting content found around the posts which acts as food for the hungry Female Might team!

Keep enjoying the feminine flexes!